Friday, January 3, 2014

Me In 2014!

Yesterday, we looked back at my year in 2013 and how it was my first year to choose a word to reflect on and make goals for myself, all because of the very first blog I read.

© All Rights Reserved shopgirldaisy 2014
Hurricane Sandy ~ South Florida

Today, I look ahead at all of the possibilities in 2014! I have created difficult challenges for myself and some not-so difficult yet all-in-all achievable.

The word I've chosen to reflect on, live by and aspire to in the year 2014 is....(drum roll)...CONSISTENCY.


1. steadfast adherence to the same principles, course, form, etc.: There is consistency in his pattern of behavior.

I chose "consistency" because I need it in my personal life. Period. In my professional life, I'm organized and on top of things. I'm consistent. But when it hits 5pm, I leave it all at work and become the free spirit. I roll down the window on the way home from a hard day and throw consistency out the window at 95mph. Waaahooooo! Consistency is tough 24/7.

Because of my INconsistency, I've not committed to losing weight and getting healthier. Losing 30lbs would be spectacular and to most people, that's an easy goal. But for my perfectionist mind, it creates chaos, because I MUST be completely organized before I press "go". Consistency allows me to throw perfectionism out the window (at 95mph) and just be consistent. It somehow eases the pressure off being perfect.

Jim Collins, author of Good To Great and Built To Last spoke at the 2012 Global Leadership Summit and said something I'll never forget...and I am not a quote person. I never write them down, let alone remember them. He said:

"The true signature of mediocrity 
is the chronic inconsistency."

Ouch! That resonated in me and 2014 is the year that I want to resolve the chronic INconsistency of getting into shape. My plan is to work out first thing in the morning 4-5x a week. Stay away from wheat (new thing my family is trying), and stay away from sugary drinks as much as possible. Now that I've put it in writing for all the world to see, I'm scared out of my mind! But I crave consistency NOT mediocrity. Now I have many people (YOU) to support me.

Other goals I have made for myself are not as difficult for me to accomplish but it will take consistency to meet them for the year.
  • Blog twice a week. I was doing great with this as a newbie blogger but when the holidays hit, not so much. Writing in advance and having them ready to go is the consistency I need to meet this goal.
  • Try the "cooking something like 50 freezer meals" for $100 in one afternoon. This sounds AMAZING! Can't wait to blog about how much money I spent, saved, the recipes, if it worked, and how difficult/easy it was.
  • Consistency in sticking to our budget thanks to Financial Peace University.
  • Read five books. I'm not a natural reader...
  • Paint my nails more consistently thanks to my sister who has given me the tools for success to keep them painted longer.
  • Play video games at least two hours per week. Like the nails, this will help me decompress from the hectic week. My husband and I used to play a lot when we were dating and it was fun. I've lost touch of that and hope it will bring back those fond memories, create home time instead of "going out" time, and give me balance.
  • And of course, more DIY projects, organization, and baking!
Wow! Can you sense a theme? I'm sure I could think of more and if I do I will share be consistent. LOL!

I'd love to hear about your 2014 word to reflect on and your goals! Please share them with me.

Let's not be mediocre in 2014!
Here's to throwing chronic inconsistency 
out the window!!

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