Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year! A look back at 2013.

H A P P Y  N E W  Y E A R ! ! !

It's 2014! Have you started on your new year goals yet? 

I have not had the chance. Unfortunately, I've been sick since just after Christmas with a respiratory and sinus infection. It's been so bad that I slept for three entire days, went through one tissue box and one and a half rolls of toilet paper for coughing and blowing my nose, and have a dry and cracked nose that hurts so bad that my mom told me to put Chapstick on it. That has proven to be such a relief for my poor nose. 

I haven't unpacked from vacation which had to be cut short due my getting sick. I came home and fell asleep on my couch, basically forever. Today, I'm finally coming out of the fog! Hallelujah!

Before the year 2013, I was not a person who made New Year resolutions or wrote new goals. But in January of 2013, I was interested in reading blogs! So...I began reading a blog called House of Smiths by Shelley Smith because I was following her boards on Pinterest. The blog I read was called AWESOMER: My 2013 Word of the Year. I had never heard of choosing a word for yourself for a new year. It's simplicity inspired me. Shelley's blog inspired me. And when I was done reading it that day, I realized that I already had a word for myself - discovery. 

Discovery meant so many things to me but in a nutshell, it was to discover me again. Be open to new things, try new things, realize my likes and dislikes and be happy in how God designed me. Realize my capacity and stop comparing myself to others. Start DIY projects rather than thinking about them constantly. I was in a year long school of biblical leadership that challenged me and caused me to discover new things about myself.

I found that 2013 had many discoveries. I can complete DIY projects! I have an interest in blogging and am good at it! And I'm definitely more confident and comfortable in who I am. I have much more to discover and I plan to continue the discoveries in 2014.

What were some things you accomplished in 2013 that were unexpected? Or, what goals did you keep.

In my next blog, I'll tell you about my word for 2014 and some goals I've made for myself.

In the meantime...Happy New Year!

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